New Room Booking Icons

Written by Andrea | Apr 12, 2024 5:11:46 PM
New icons have been added to the Registration Edit and Room Bookings page to indicate these important situations:
  1. Occupants Not In Same Group - Appears on registrations where there is more than one person in a hotel style room and they are not part of the same group. This will help prevent two strangers being put in a private room with one bed.
  2. Overbooked - Not new on the reg edit page, but will now show on the room bookings page when a room has more people staying in it than the set max capacity.
  3. Occupant Program/Room Block Mismatch - Indicates when a person is in a room and that room is blocked for a different program.
Important note: Only one icon is shown per registration on the room bookings page, so if more than one icon applies, they are shown in the order of severity above (with 1 being most important).
The legend for the icons can be found by clicking on the ? icon beside 'Booking chart icons', just below the Filters and Reports. 
The new icons are included as part of the 'Room booking chart icons and info' feature, which is available for standard + plans. 
Room Bookings Chart:
Registration Edit: