New cancellation options on Programs and Rentals

Written by Andrea | Oct 18, 2022 9:04:34 PM

We've added some new options to simplify the cancellation process on programs and rentals. There is a new 'Actions' drop down in the top right corner of the program page with options to either 'Duplicate' or 'Cancel' the program. 


When a program is cancelled, any room or venue blocks will be automatically removed. The links for registration (including remote registration) will also become inactive. Registrations within the cancelled program will still need to be manually cancelled, refunded if applicable or moved into another program. If the program is also connected to a rental, there is an option to automatically cancel the connected rental. 

Cancelled programs are still viewable in the list of all Programs, by clicking on the Cancelled link. 

From there, cancelled programs can be accessed in 'view only' mode and there is an option within the new 'Actions' drop down to either 'Duplicate' or 'Restore' the program. 


Any room or venue blocks will need to be re-created in restored programs. If the restored program had a connected rental, there is an option to also restore the rental. 

The same options to cancel Rentals through the 'Actions' menu have been added.



Any contract links that have not been accepted will be expired/inactive. If the rental has a signed agreement, the agreement link will remain active for both the Renter and the Admin to view. Just like programs, if you cancel a rental with a signed agreement and connected program, you will have an option to also automatically cancel the program. Cancelled rentals are accessible in 'view only' mode and can be manually restored or duplicated if needed.

This new cancellation process has replaced the pre-existing 'Trash' options. There is currently no ability to permanently delete a program or rental with Retreat Guru. For centers that were using the Program and/or Rental custom statuses to manage cancellations, this new process should also replace the need to use a 'cancelled' status.